~August Energy Forecast: New Views Available, Expand Now~

The energies available this month showed up in a giant flash, you’ll soon see how appropriate that is. We tend to prefer the world of dualism where everything is black or white and right or wrong. Dualism has a place, but it’s an easy and, can be, lazy way of looking at life. This month we have eclipses and they provide us with the macrocosmic version of shifting perspectives of light and dark. Lunar eclipse is on August 7th and solar eclipse is on August 21st. How magical! This is a time of both individual and collective growth and expansion from the dualistic view to a multitude of new views. This is not about replacing a “wrong” view with a “right” view (remember everything is not always dualistic); this is about recognizing the myriad ways of looking at, experiencing, and being light and dark. Along with the eclipses, Mercury goes retrograde on the 12th which gives us the chance to revisit stuff and clear it away altogether this time, or notice the growth or stagnation. Specifically it is creating the space, and time, for checking in with past views of light and dark, again both individual and collective.

My suggestions for the month are the following. Breathe light. Before you go to sleep at night, close your eyes and breathe in light. Notice if the light has a color or not. Notice if it feels easy or hard to fill yourself with light. Notice how you feel. Repeat this exercise as often as feels good. Spend as much time as you can in the light, whether that is the moon or the sun. Notice the colors. Really delve into the concept that the world is made of light. And take your time, whatever it is you are doing this month, move with presence and awareness.

As always I am here to help you remember your way back to a heart centered perspective. Please contact me for a session.
