~Flying at Light Speed? Let’s Slow Down~

January energies 2018

January energies have been rather intense. There’s a new frequency now where everything is moving at light speed and the mental aspect, in particular, is very affected by this. It’s not just that things are happening fast, there are lots of things happening. The speed is very much intertwined with time. So much so that last Tuesday evening I was talking with my sister about my Monday, and noticing how it had been jam packed with stuff (sooo much happened) and how it felt like it had been so much farther ago than just a day. I realized that as you’re reading this, it has only been three weeks since I sent my Doggedly Whole announcement emails out; I’ve got clients and am loving it!

One of the side effects of the mental aspect being affected by this new frequency is the brain racing—a lot. Another side effect I have noticed is that any old patterns that were specifically mental patterns are close and keep nudging in trying to grab hold again. But, my sense is that the reappearance of these old mental patterns is tied in with this Wednesday’s full moon which is a blue moon (second full moon in a calendar month) and is also a full eclipse to start the eclipse season. It feels like these patterns have returned so that we can notice the self-transformation from when they were a regular part of self to the current self where they no longer have a home. And then they will be more fully released with this lunar eclipse.

I have found that any time spent in contact with the earth is a huge help with this new frequency. Lilly and I have been adding in new elements of play and engagement, and one piece of that is that I sit on the ground for a long period of time letting her choose to engage with me or not. With all that time just sitting on the ground, I can tell how much better I feel. My physical connection to the bigger, slower frequencies of the planet allows my body to be supported vibrationally as this new, faster frequency is flowing through me. When I am connected with nothing but fabric between me and the earth, I am a full blown symphony with the full range of frequencies all interconnected and supported.

What have you noticed this month? How are you handling this new frequency? As always, I love to hear your experiences. And if you’re in need of some added support, let’s work together whether it’s for clearing, new perspectives or something else specific you need. Email me for a session. Thank you for your continued support and referrals, especially as I move through this transition to more fully provide both ends of the spectrum: energy work and dog training!

If you’re on social media, check me out on HERE, HERE, and HERE.
