Foundation Work

In the last 24 hours a major theme has shown up in conversations with colleagues, friends, and clients. After September's deep shifting energies of eclipses, Mercury in retrograde, and the equinox, the start of this month has been a restart in many ways. One of the most reliable ways to support and maintain the new is to work on the foundation level. This can be the physical foundation of your body health or specifically your feet. This can be the emotional or mental foundations of your being. This can be the land you live on, the house you live in. This can be deep seated patterns from past lives or ancestral lines. Whatever form it takes for you, this is a time when you are being fully supported in foundation work.

So, notice what's popping up for you in the last week or so. Notice how this might relate to a foundation level for you. Breathe, be gentle and kind with yourself, and do the foundation work that you are being asked to do. This is what will allow you to be supported in these new patterns of being that you are creating at this time in your life. If you feel the need for some help with this foundation work, as always, I am happy to help. Just send me an email and we'll get you on the calendar. And, if you need a place to share, please do so in the comments below or on Facebook.