Join me for an exploration of gratitude and the creation of new patterns in your entire being.
Starts August 14th!
What this challenge includes:
- daily emails sparking your awareness of gratitude
- the confidential space to reply with your own list of gratitudes
- access to a special and focused space where the support of gratitude can grow
- details on the layers of gratitude and what a daily practice can bring you over time
- the opportunity to create new patterns of awareness, thinking, and being
If you're looking for a new rhythm or pattern in your brain, in the way you're living, in your being, this is the spot to try one out.
Testimonial from JMU professor Toni Whitfield:
"Participating in gratitude practice has been very fulfilling for me personally. Elizabeth suggested this practice at a low time in my life when I was filled with negative energy and negative thoughts due to frustrations with goal setting and personal pain management issues. This negativity began interfering with my personality and my relationships. Since practicing my daily gratitude, I have improved my overall outlook on life, become more accepting of frustrations and tribulations and learned more about my positive self. As an added perk, I am building relationships with folks who have good days and bad days and we are good at holding each other up just through the simplicity of our words using the simplest channel: email. I won’t lie; it’s hard at first—to think of something to be grateful for every day is a challenge in the beginning and sometimes on low days or ones filled with pain, it’s really difficult. It’s not a rant or a lot of 'bitching' and no judgment...but thoughtful ways to find something to be grateful for every day."