We’re well into the equinox energy window and you may have already noticed balance coming up as an issue, whether it’s awareness of where you have or feel balance or where you don’t have and want or need balance. The weather itself is noticeably lacking balance these days (a piece of climate change). Today is the first drizzly, cool day we’ve had in quite some time and it’s a relief after that last gasp (I hope it was anyway) of heat the last couple of days. If you’re not already aware of balance in your life right now, take some time to explore it in the next few weeks and connect with the equinox energies for support in shifting where you need and want to create change. With the full moon tonight (12:32AM EDT), there’s energy to support release. It feels like old patterns that have risen to the front of awareness this summer can be swept out with this full moon energy.
Here are the folks I read and sift through for resonance.