With the winds that continue to blow and the full moon and lunar eclipse tonight, the Runes were calling to me. Hagalaz or Disruption is the Rune that appeared. The other key words for this Rune are Elemental Power and Hail. This Rune is all about change and the disruption can be seen or felt on many levels. Here are the words that stand out for this week:
Change, freedom, invention and liberation are all attributes of this Rune…expect disruption, for it is the Great Awakener, although the form the awakening takes may vary…the term radical discontinuity best describes the action of Hagalaz at its most forceful. The more severe the disruption in your life, the more significant and timely the requirements for your growth. The universe and your own soul are demanding that you do, indeed, grow.
Any time you can spend bathing in the moonlight and being buffeted by the winds, is time well spent especially this weekend. Feel the power of the wind sweep across the land, watch the grasses and trees bend and sway, feel your body respond to the gusts and allow the wind to carry off all that does not serve you. Feel the wind push through you energetically lightening your load. Let the moon light, such a different feel from sunlight, seep into your cells and slough off anything that you no longer need. Breathe and be.
In these times of change, remember I am here for you. The Building Light 2 for 1 Special is just for the month of February, so please take advantage of this offer. Details can be found here.