Happy Winter Solstice!
As we near the turning point of the seasons and the shift from shrinking days to lengthening days, it’s a great time to tune into ourselves and do a deep dive into self. (If you need help with this, let’s have a session!) Paying attention to what is and looking for what’s different, allows you to notice the shifts internally as well as externally. A few weeks ago I woke up early in the dark, as usual, and as I was moving from my bed to my yoga mat, I realized I was a different shape. No, my physical body wasn’t particularly different, it was the sense of myself as a whole being that had changed. Could I even put into words how my shape shifted? No. But, it has really helped me know that as I continue to grow, learn, and expand, all of me is affected.
Are you at all aware of your shape? I mean the shape of your entire being, not just your physical body. Perhaps this is something you haven’t really thought about. Since I am so spatial, shapes, and how they relate to or interact with other shapes, are something I notice. I don’t spend a lot of time defining my shape or the shape of others, but I do seem to have a baseline norm that I’m aware of, thus, I notice deviations from that norm. Does this all sound crazy? Here’s a physical world example of what I’m talking about. When I’m out walking, my eyes are scanning the world. My eyes run along the tree lines, the planes and slopes of the fields. I spend a lot of time outside and thus my eyes combine that information (and constantly add to it) and have mapped what is the “normal” view. So, my eyes snag on something different, something that doesn’t fit in with the mapped view, and I check it out in focus. It might be a bird in flight or in a tree. It might be a skunk not traveling very fast because she’s rooting for grubs, but noticeable because of her size, shape, and motion. It might be a bunch of leaves that still hasn’t fallen from the big oak. This is all part of my search for what is and my underlying search for what is different. You can’t know what is different, if you don’t know what is and what is and what is.
One way to shift your thinking to this what-is-different-perspective is to pick something (your physical body is an easy place to start, but it could be the view out your window, or your critter) and check in once or twice a day asking yourself, “What is different?” Maybe you don’t notice anything different, but you do spend those few seconds really checking which means you are more of aware of what is. Maybe you do notice something different; it could be drastic or subtle. Just explore and have fun with this. And don’t forget to try the mantra below as it fits right in with this.
If you haven't tried it, give it a whirl today: I am different, thus any and everything can be different, too. It’s potent.
Gift Certificates
Do you know someone who has everything; or someone who is interested in different experiences? Know a family who has lost or gained a companion animal? Maybe you know someone craving a new perspective. I offer gift certificates! Please email for details.
As always I am here to assist you in clearing the way to new perspectives whether for just you or you and your companion animals. Please email or call 434-249-9786 for a session. Thanks for keeping me in mind and sharing my work with those you think might resonate!