A Valentine's Party~ Are you holding onto hurt feelings or resentment in your relationships? Is self care at the bottom of your priority list? Join us for an open heart meditation. We will journey via guided meditation into the realm of the heart. Here, you will explore the space, clear it, and fill it up with love. Sunday, February 7th, from 1-2pm at A Place to Breathe, no charge, donations accepted for Mended Little Hearts of Charlottesville (list here). Please RSVP: elizabethbain11@gmail.com or kimberlohan@gmail.com
Kim's Thoughts:
This time of year we are often bombarded with red hearts and the pressure to declare and prove our feelings about a significant other. With that in mind, we decided to host a heart meditation on February 7th from 1-2 PM at A Place to Breathe Meditation Studio. I'm excited for this event because we will be zeroing in on one of the most exciting aspects of every human being ~ the love we hold in our heart. Our heart is the center of our chakra system and it is through this bridge we move from the lower chakras 1-3, to the higher chakras 5-7. The heart is where we experience healing transformation.
I'm also fired up because we are doing this event at no charge and asking folks to bring items for the nonprofit, Mended Little Hearts of Charlottesville. They assist kiddos who have heart conditions. I feel connected to this organization because after pregnancy complications I experienced congestive heart failure. I was in my 30's when I went through this and often felt scared or uncomfortable with many of the procedures associated with cardiology and heart monitoring even though I could mentally understand what was happening and knew I was receiving excellent medical attention. I can see how valuable an organization such as this could be: providing much needed support when your little one is facing a chronic medical condition.
We are asking for donations for their care bags for when families have to stay at the hospital (toiletries) or donations for their bravery chest. The bravery chest provides a special gift for children following a cardiology appointment. They are able to select a small toy, (hand stamp, stuffed animal, think pocket size) for their courage. Please join us.
Kim can be found at Hara Studio
Elizabeth's Thoughts:
In February the emphasis is often on partnered humans. But whether you are single or in a relationship, self-love is a must! It is often put at the bottom of the list or even cast aside, so here are a few ways to draw self-love into daily life.
Here's a wonderful way to start your day. When you first wake up in the morning, with your eyes closed, breathe deeply into your whole body, feeling this complicated, magnificent organism that allows you to do what you do every day. Put your hand on your heart, breathe in this space. Feel the power of the love that you are radiating. And feel the stream of love that you are always in, feel the love pouring into you even as it radiates from you. Breathe this love, and let this love guide you as you open your eyes and move into your day.
The unconditional love of our nonhuman friends is amazing guidance and support that is always available to us. I find one of the fastest ways to settle into my heart space is to place one hand on my heart and one hand on my dog’s heart. If you’ve got a smaller critter friend she or he might lie down on your heart. My cat is a normal cat in that he’s particular about how he likes to be held and he has never sat on anyone’s lap of his own choice…and yet, one of his favorite positions to be held in has his heart over my heart. Notice if your critter friends find ways to be heart to heart with you. They probably already do. Now watch what happens when they notice that you’re going out of your way to find ways to be heart to heart with them. They will notice.
Whenever you do choose to move into your heart space, feel this stream of love that you are in, this stream of love that is the All. When you love yourself, you are loving every being, for there is no true separation. Be your own Valentine this year.