Handler’s Choice Happy Hour
What: Rally O or Tricks
Where: Your House (via Zoom)
When: Tuesday, February 16th, 6-7PM EST
Cost: $25
Join me for an hour of fun training where you pick what you want to work on. Want the social aspect of a class but the added safety of a virtual class? Want some training motivation or inspiration? Want to work your brain cells and your dog’s (or cat’s) brain cells, too? Then Handler’s Choice Happy Hour is for you!
You pick a rally obedience skill or trick you want to learn or need help with, I’ll walk you through the steps, and you and your dog (or cat) will have fun together. This class is open to handler’s of all ages as long as you have basic clicker skills, and is for dogs or cats! Register below or contact me here with any questions.
Happy hour isn’t just for alcohol! Happy hour is for happiness with your critters!