Lilly is a fabulous teacher on finding and riding the flow.
With all the rain we’ve had in the last year and all the time I spend at the river with Lilly, the word mainstream has been on my mind a lot. When you read or hear this word, where do you go? For me mainstream is almost immediately attached to culture. And when I think of mainstream culture, I am aware of being different. When describing water, the mainstream current is the deepest and the strongest. I have never felt like I was a part of or in the mainstream culture even as I’ve felt the pull. I have struggled, as so many of us do in this human experience, with finding any flow that is my kind of flow.
Since the start of this calendar year, I’ve been experiencing life in a very different fashion. I have become aware of access to flow and motion that I have previously been unable to find, let alone merge with and ride. I am building a new relationship with flow! As I wrote last summer, I’ve long been focused on the being aspect of this human experience and I’ve been shifting into the doing aspect. With this different experience of flow, I’m doing more, yet still being me.
As I’m learning to do me, not just be me, I’m giving myself and my purpose a larger amount of energy and focus. I’m exploring from my heart space (just as I guide you, my clients, to do) my relationship with my energy work and my purpose. And as I explore, I’m clearing out the gunk, the detritus that I’ve inherited, collected, all the stuff that blocks my views. I’m creating space both for expansion within myself and for expansion of my work and my purpose in the world. Onward I go.