November Collaboration ~ Save Yourself from Energy Vampires

As everything is energy, there is a constant flow of energy in and out of our beings. We both give and receive energy in many forms. When we are in a balance point (ongoing, I know) we are receiving as much as we are giving. This sounds like a simple mathematical process, but real life is far from simple. One big energy draining concept to be aware of is energy vampires. Often these are people, but they can also be groups or intangibles like your work or an organization of some sort. I’m sure you know some: those who are needy and take, take, take; people who or situations that leave you exhausted even when you didn’t seem to do much. 

Awareness is always the first step. Once you have noticed who or what drains you completely, who doesn’t energize you, then you can work with boundaries to safeguard yourself. Most of us tend to default to a scarcity pattern of some sort, so it’s easy to think that you don’t want your energy getting sucked out of you because you only have so much energy. A slightly different outlook is that balance in life is more sustainable. So, if you’re too involved with energy vampires of some sort, you may struggle to maintain the receiving end and, thus, are left depleted and always just out of reach of (or even far from) feeling balanced.

Boundaries can be as simple as saying no. Granted, this may take practice, but saying no can go a long way to a more balanced in flow and out flow of energy in your being. Or boundaries can be more involved where you figure out how much of someone or a situation you can take and having a set limit of involvement. Sometimes even removing oneself from an energy sucking situation or person doesn’t actually sever the energetic connection. In times like this, creating a ceremony can help, but this is when getting an energy healing session could be greatly beneficial.

If you are aware, as you’re with someone, that she or he is draining your energy, walk away if possible. If that’s not possible, breathe and picture your breath filling you with a clear, white light that shines out from you in all directions creating a bubble. This white light bubble is an energetic boundary, allowing you to verbally engage with someone while not losing your energy to that person. This is also something you can do ahead of time if you know you will be spending time with an energy vampire.

Energy vampires are not consciously setting out to take other people’s energy. The energy patterns in these people or situations come about from different reasons, but there is often a vacuum or void that needs to be filled. And when it is not properly addressed and released or re-patterned, it is most easily filled by sucking energy from other people.

We all give and receive energy just by existing and as we draw our awareness to where the energy is coming from and where the energy is going, we can step into the role of a true co-creator of life.

Kim's Thoughts

Energy vampires sucking you dry? Here are some tips to help keep you protected when around those hungry folks. To begin with, who am I talking about? When I refer to energy vampires, I’m referring to folks who leave you feeling either depressed, wiped out, or angry after spending time with them. They may be your coworker, a parent or acquaintance, they could even be someone whose company you used to enjoy. ~ Read more