~ Exploring Wholeness ~
The other day I was watching the birds at the feeder while I was at the sink, and I noticed a titmouse with no tail. Not a single tail feather on this bird. I watched her flitting in to the feeder and away to a branch to eat the seeds, back and forth. There was definitely a difference in flight compared to the titmice with tails, but this bird was maneuvering through the air just fine. I started thinking about how often we focus on what we feel is missing or what we have deemed is wrong with self rather than accepting and being grateful for what is. Rather than acknowledging our wholeness: who we really are by dint of being of Source.
This feels like a good week to place our intention in an exploration of self and wholeness. Here’s an exercise you can try when you have a few moments for yourself.
Close your eyes and place one hand on your heart. Bring your awareness to your heart space. Focus on the light and dark within your heart space, just noticing what is. Notice the flame that is your heart light and notice this flame is whole and perfect just as it is. Allow yourself to become this flame, so it is not just a flame within your heart space, but your being is this flame of heart light. You are heart light. You are whole. Spend a few moments just being. As you are ready to come back into the present physical plane, breathe a little more deeply; breathe out to the edges of your physical body, filling yourself with fresh prana, and open your eyes as you’re ready.
Try this a few times this week and pay attention to how you feel with each practice. Be kind to yourself. This is still a time of breaking free of old patterns, so this practice may well shed some of those patterns for you, allowing you to emerge more fully as the heart light you are. As always, feel free to share any experiences you have by replying to this email or on my Facebook page. You will also find the card of the week here.
As we’re shifting out of Mercury retrograde, you may notice some forward motion. If you’re feeling stuck in anyway, let’s see what we can clear out in a session. Tuesday slots are still available this week at 4:30 and 7.