Lilly loves dock diving!
The midsummer transformation of mine is still in flow. For the last couple of weeks I have been noticing how just being me is such a different experience now. I feel as though there’s been such a massive clearing of old patterns (some not even mine) that I now have all this empty space within my being. And as I expand my inner core self out into all of my being, time spent just being me is so important. Little reminders have popped up recently to show me the sharp contrast of before (sometimes years ago, sometimes only months ago) and now. Do you ever have moments when you are aware you are making an important choice even if you have no idea why or how it’s important? I have had a number of situations recently where a spotlight is shining and I know it’s an important choice. The clarity that is showing up, so far, feels like a spiral where I know I need to say yes only to find that the yes leads me to a no: a clear knowing that this (whatever it is) is not for me. So, I am clearer on that which is not in alignment with me even as I am aware that I am not clearer on what it is exactly that is in alignment. And there’s that trust again. I do know there are deeper rumblings within me as something new takes form. But for now, I will just be me since that is why I am here.
Summer is rolling along now. We just had a full moon and I’m still feeling lighter with all that I released with this full moon. What are you noticing? Since you're here to just be you, email me for a session and let’s get you shining the light you are. The world needs your light.
Don’t Forget:
Tuesday, July 25 4-6pm and Tuesday, August 22 4-6pm
I will be offering free mini-sessions focusing on the heart to heart connection between you and your companion animals. If you have a specific issue or just want to deepen the connection with your pet, join me for a 15 minute one on one guided meditation.
September (dates to be announced)
I will be offering a 3 part class. (You can sign up for all or just one or two.)
Energy Healing for Pets
Part 1: All Healing is Energy Healing. Are you interested in ways you can help your pets be healthier and happier? Come learn how diet, herbs, flower essences, and homeopathy can help you and your companion animals.
Part 2: Know and Strengthen Your Pet’s Structures. You might know something about your chakras, but do you know about your pet’s chakras? Learn about both energetic and physical structures of your cats and dogs.
Part 3: Animal Communication. Let’s deepen the connection between you and your companion animal. Communication is a joint effort; let’s learn the whys and hows.
I am now offering dog walking services in Crozet. 30 minute midday walks for those dogs who need to get out and move. I will also happily toss in some clicker training if dogs need some extra brain work. (Don’t know what clicker training is? Ask me!) Just like we need physical and mental stimulation, our dogs do, too! (Lilly and I have been dock diving! Yes, that's what we're doing at the top of this post. And we're still working on new dance moves. Have you seen our video on instagram at handle intuitive_energy_guide?) If you don’t live in Crozet, but know someone who does, thank you for passing along my information!
Buying, selling, or renovating houses can be greatly supported by my work. Together we can create the energetic space for movement in your real estate world, email me for a session or more details.
Walking this earth, knowing that I am part of her, is a sacred act. Should you want to experience this sacred space of walking the earth, please email me for details. I am always honored to support you in finding a heart-centered perspective in a phone session, if that’s what you’re looking for. Just let me know how I can help.