Transitions Are Everywhere

foggy may morning

It’s a new month, and the new moon was on Saturday. There is definitely different energy available! (Check the links below for information on the energies of this new moon and month.) With all these shifts in the bigger energies, I’ve been aware of transitions large and small. As life is change, we are always in the midst of transitions; we just don’t always look at life this way. I had an experience on Saturday that highlighted for me the transition from the Truth-Choice-Action theme of April into the May theme of Awareness (as named by The Power Path). I didn’t actually receive any new information in my experience on Saturday, but because of the work I’d done in April exploring Truth-Choice-Action and how that played out for me, and because of the shift to the Awareness energies of May, I was aware of receiving the information, aware of my truth and choices and actions (previously, currently and in the future) and got a clearer, deeper perspective allowing me to fully release an old pattern and start creating the new pattern I need. I spent some time processing this transition Sunday. And then, Monday morning on our walk, there was beautiful ground fog. As fog softens the edges and smooths transitions, of colors, shapes, elements, it reminded me that it can help with my own transitions, so I let it in, smiling at and grateful for the support.

The other theme I notice that keeps showing up, has to do with awareness of self-created limitations. This theme has been present for the last month or so and still feels important. With the richness of spring colors everywhere, the analogy I keep getting is that we often tend to create patterns of beliefs, thoughts, actions, and more in black and white. Typically if we do move beyond black and white, we still only add/allow grey...forgetting that there is an entire spectrum of colors (black, white, and grey aren’t technically even colors) that we can access and use. When you’re outside notice the colors, and all the different hues of each color. From the grasses to the trees to the insects to the clouds and birds, there are so many colors to absorb to expand our inner being’s spectrum.

This month I’m offering another class by phone: Deep Relaxation for You and Your Critters. Wednesday, May 15h, 7-7:45pm, $30. Via guided meditation, we’ll explore and clear you, your companion animals, and the heart to heart lines connecting the two (or more) of you and we’ll find deeper states of relaxation. This call will be live and there will be time for questions before the guided meditation. It will also be recorded and you’ll receive the recording if you can’t make it on the call live and for your future use. As you probably know, I’m big on relaxation and how it is a receptive state and thus an important state to cultivate especially as it relates to change. If you’re ready for some relaxation not just for you, but for your critters, register here.

Helpful information on current energies:

I just had another client get a house sold after a session. If you’re selling your house (or looking for one to buy), let’s work together to clear out blocks and smooth the process for you. If you’re looking for support as you move through a larger transition, a weekly session can work wonders. Interested? Contact me or schedule here.