After a year like 2016 where most of us experienced loss of some sort and a roller coaster ride through relationships with self and others, emotions, physical health, and more, many of us are not just tired but exhausted. We are feeling like the ground is still shaking under our feet, heck, many of us feel like we are still shaking! Transition of any sort is a time for kindness to everyone, self and others. And right now, this week, what we all need specifically is gentle kindness.
We are in a stage of reestablishing ourselves in a state of aligned balance. Gentle kindness allows us to be flexible within ourselves and in our relationship with the outer world as well. And gentle kindness brings a quiet, and asks us to listen closely to the inner voices as we tune in more clearly, again, to Source. 2016 rattled our radio stations so much that some of us may be searching from one end of the dial to the other, trying to find that frequency we know is there, that frequency we are already tuned into, but can’t quite hear at the moment.
Let’s ease into this new year, especially as Mercury is still retrograde until the 7th. On that note, here are two exercises for this week.
1) When you’re lying in bed before you go to sleep, or when you’re in the shower, breathe gently in and out, filling your lungs from the lower edges to the tops, and notice what you hear. Listen for the sounds of the outer world and the inner world. Listen for voices, again outer and inner, and notice the dissonance or resonance you feel with the different voices. Allow those you feel dissonance with to flow out on your exhalations. Allow those you feel resonance with to resonate more strongly through your entire structure. Breathe and be you, the amazing light you are.
2) Smile. A lot. Smile to yourself whether you’re looking in a mirror or not. Smile at others whether you know them or not. Every time you smile, you’re changing the vibration.
In numerology 2016, was a year of completions and endings. And 2017 is a year of new beginnings. Let’s start off this year with by getting ourselves ready to receive and engage with new beginnings.
Satisfied clients who resonate with my work are what keep me going. As referrals are by far my biggest and best source for new clients, I am now offering a referral discount. For every new client you send my way, you will receive $15 off your next session with me. Thank you for continuing to spread the word. This newsletter can easily be shared if you think someone might be interested and you can always send them here for more details. I am so grateful for our time together in 2016 and I look forward to 2017. Remember in person sessions are available through January.