~What a Summer!~Are You Breathing?~

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Most everyone I’ve spoken to agrees that intense is the word that rings the bell for this summer. Whether it’s the weather (with swings from extremes of cool to hot or dry to flooding) or health (bizarre health scares and diagnoses) or work (lots or none or completely different) or _____ (fill in the blank) everything is intense. I find that the bigger picture energies are providing me with some helpful perspectives. This wacky summer here on planet earth is wacky in the skies, too, with five (soon to be six) planets retrograde which doesn’t really happen that often and especially not during an eclipse window that holds the longest solar eclipse in this century. Wait, what?! I know, I know, it’s crazy. As above, so below, or really, just remember we’re miniscule beings on a small planet in a massive galaxy…it’s all somewhat magical when you look from this perspective.

Two big themes or highlighted concepts this summer seem to be communication and boundaries. Working with multiple species, I spend a lot of time navigating communication across species and am aware of just how hard it is for most of us to communicate with our own species. It’s hard enough for some folks to notice, let alone read, body language from other people (we’re not even talking about words), even grasping the concept that other species are also speaking with body language can be mind bending for some people. Add in words and you’re in a whole new realm. Many of us are very mental and it’s really easy to get stuck in the head and not be able to listen to someone else let alone get out of the head and open to different perspectives. One of the missing links with communication in our world is that with the speed of life, nuance and detail (and more) get lost in the shuffle and little gaps become gaping chasms. Boundaries are hard enough in easier times, but add in the intensity of this summer and boundary lessons are everywhere. Whether you have no boundaries at all, your boundaries are way too solid, or you fall somewhere on the continuum somewhere in between these two extremes, you are probably learning something new about boundaries right now. Be nice to yourself.

Staying grounded and centered is hard for me this summer and I honestly don’t remember feeling this ungrounded and off kilter any time in recent years if ever. I find myself struggling to keep my practices going steadily because of the upheaval of my life (both internal and external) this summer. I continue to come back to my practices every moment I can and I have really been relying on breathing practices throughout the day to keep me present in the moment. Yes, I have some slightly fancier breathing practices that I do use, but for the most part, I just pay attention to my breath and use balanced breathing (deep breaths with the same count for an inhalation as for an exhalation) and find that even only 2 or 3 breaths with focus make a big difference.

What pops to mind now is not “Steady on,” but, “Breathe in flexibility.”

  • If you’re looking for some clearing or balancing for you and/or your whole family in these intense times, email me for a session.
  • If you’re looking for some nature connection in the physical realm, we can arrange a walk’n’talk and get you noticing your surroundings in new ways, email me for a session.
  • If you’re looking for some nature connection across the tiny screen in front of you, follow me on Instagram: intuitive_energy_guide and you’ll get views and positive words all in one spot.
  • Dog tricks are an exciting and fun part of my world at the moment with teaching classes and working with Lilly and Lilly having her first modeling gig photo shoot. Be sure to find Doggedly Whole on Facebook and Instagram, too. Shared moments of joy with your 4-legged(s) are so healing!

As always I love to hear your thoughts and current reality! Thank you for your continued support and referrals.

