
~Thriving in the Heat of Summer~

In case you hadn't noticed it, it's HOT out there! We are moving into the heart of the fire that is summer. I've been hearing from folks that even if they aren't experiencing a rough ride, their loved ones are. We are already under the energy of the shadow of the eclipse season and many of us are experiencing a breakdown of old structures and the way these breakdowns manifest is so varied. Some of these breakdowns seem like surprises while others are old patterns making themselves known again. They are showing up in the physical body, the emotional and mental bodies, the spiritual and energy bodies. The societal, cultural, and political structures are on fire with these breakdowns. The planet herself is in breakdown.

The element of fire is about transformation. I'm clearly not the only one in the midst of transformation this summer. In Naisha Ahsian's book with The Crystal Ally Cards she writes, "The Element of Fire has appeared as a signal for you to prepare for a transformation! You are being initiated in a 'trial by Fire' that will create drastic change in your experience of the physical world." How does this resonate with you? I'm finding this fits with my own experience as well as with what I hear from friends, clients, and strangers.

So, how do we not just survive this fire and heat of summer, but thrive? The specific card you see above is not just a fire card, it's Topaz with the key word Intention. The energies of the crystal ally golden topaz carry the Golden Ray of Divine Truth. Look at your intentions and the reality you are co-creating. Notice what isn't in alignment with your true essence, your core of light. And use your intention and the energies of topaz to co-create the life that is truly you. The affirmation for this card is a good one, "I intend to manifest joy."

Breathe, be you, notice what is, and use your unique gifts and the tools always available to you to be the light that changes the world.

As always, I love hearing how my musings resonate with you. And a big thank you for sending this email along to anyone you think might like it. Be sure to check out some upcoming events and new offerings below.

Don't Forget

The Elderberry
Tuesday, July 25 4-6pm and Tuesday, August 22 4-6pm
I will be offering free mini-sessions focusing on the heart to heart connection between you and your companion animals. If you have a specific issue or just want to deepen the connection with your pet, join me for a 15 minute one on one guided meditation.
September (dates to be announced)
I will be offering a 3 part class. (You can sign up for all or just one or two.)
Energy Healing for Pets
Part 1: All Healing is Energy Healing. Are you interested in ways you can help your pets be healthier and happier? Come learn how diet, herbs, flower essences, and homeopathy can help you and your companion animals.
Part 2: Know and Strengthen Your Pet’s Structures. You might know something about your chakras, but do you know about your pet’s chakras? Learn about both energetic and physical structures of your cats and dogs.
Part 3: Animal Communication. Let’s deepen the connection between you and your companion animal. Communication is a joint effort; let’s learn the whys and hows.
I am now offering dog walking services in Crozet. 30 minute midday walks for those dogs who need to get out and move. I will also happily toss in some clicker training if dogs need some extra brain work. (Don't know what clicker training is? Ask me!) Just like we need physical and mental stimulation, our dogs do, too! (Lilly and I have been dock diving! Yes, that's what we're doing in the photo at the top. And we're still working on new dance moves. Have you seen our video on instagram at handle intuitive_energy_guide?) If you don’t live in Crozet, but know someone who does, thank you for passing along my information!
Buying, selling, or renovating houses can be greatly supported by my work. Together we can create the energetic space for movement in your real estate world, email me for a session or more details.
Walking this earth, knowing that I am part of her, is a sacred act. Should you want to experience this sacred space of walking the earth, please email me for details. I am always honored to support you in finding a heart-centered perspective in a phone session, if that’s what you’re looking for. Just let me know how I can help.



~Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart~

It doesn't matter how much you study, read, or converse on the big topics of life, change, meditation, wisdom, if you can't find a way to bring these concepts into this physical plane and live them, it’s all a rather moot point. I still consider myself quite the greenhorn at this human being thing, yet I know that over the last 5 years I have been drawing more and more of these ideas into my body in new ways.
With my walking practice, I laugh at how I am walking my talk rather literally. And while I'm laughing, I also continue to be amazed by the solidity I feel as I embody these esoteric and etheric concepts. Some of the impetus for this new class, Bridge the Gap, comes from newfound clarity around the tools that have been strongest and most helpful as I link the energetic with the physical and embody these metaphysical concepts. The journey of the class will include some of these tools as well as in depth exploration:

  • of your current state
  • of both old and new boundaries, paths, patterns
  • mapping new terrain through both inner and outer realms
  • finding support when bridging the gap

All from the comfort of your own home, you’ll receive 2 emails weekly which will include 1 recorded guided meditation, and have access to a designated online space where all class members are free to comment on the content, practices and their own experiences, and engage in dialogue. All class participants will also receive a special discount for private sessions with me during the 4 weeks of the class. If you’re ready to manifest your desire, then this class is for you. Please REGISTER HERE. We’re getting started this Sunday, May 7th. And if you know anyone who might be interested in the class, thanks in advance for sharing this blog with them.
One of the key aspects of my work is not just guiding you into your heart space, but really helping you to shift your awareness to this heart center perspective. The EMF (electromagnetic field) of the heart is 5,000 times greater than the EMF of the brain. And just from a scientific point of view, that’s a huge amount of energy (information in motion) available! There is no throne for the ego in the heart space. You get a totally different sense of existence.
The most basic of ways to shift your attention from your head to your heart is to place your hand on your sternum. To begin with you’ll want to have your eyes closed. But after you’ve worked with this and are aware of your shift into your heart center, try it with your eyes open. Notice if your breathing changes. Often just by placing your hand on your heart, your breath will change; typically a bigger and deeper breath is the body’s first response. Just add this into your day wherever you can: lying in bed before you go to sleep, in your regular meditation practice, before you eat a meal. And start to pay attention to this new sense of awareness, this new perspective of yourself and the world.
At the end of a session I always check in to see how the client is feeling. The most common response is, “I’m very relaxed,” followed by more details. If you need or want to experience some deep relaxation, email me today for a 30 minute session. Maybe you want to relax after a hard week or maybe you want to try something different and start your week from a relaxed state. Either way, I’m happy to help. Let’s make that happen!
You are whole, just as you are.
