~Are You Ignoring Your Physical Body?~Explore How You Are Living in this Physical Plane~

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A couple of weeks ago when I was writing my newsletter, words kept arriving that had to do with the physical body and its messages for us. But when I got into editing mode, those words weren’t meshing with the rest of my newsletter, so I put them aside. And then in the couple of days after my newsletter went out, I heard from several people, some even in response to the newsletter, about physical issues. (I am noticing how I am more clearly reading the bigger energies that are swirling around. And I love that this feels like my continuing expansion into my full self which at the same time is an expansion into, and of, the All.) Since I am listening, you get another newsletter sooner rather than later.                                                        

Many of us treat our physical bodies as tools or vehicles. I continue to get reminders about how important an aspect of this human existence the physical body really is. Our bodies are giving us messages all the time. And we ignore most of them, even when those messages are screams. Our bodies do not just give us alerts with catastrophes; they tell us what feels good, what doesn’t feel so good, what hurts. They have messages about the patterns in our lives, about old and new, about change. We would not be humans without these bodies, so we need to embrace this aspect of being human and live more fully in and through these bodies.

Nothing stays the same; change is the norm even as we crave, and often strive for, sameness. Our bodies are always changing. We can be empowered by choosing to engage with and be in these bodies in different ways. We can ignore or not engage with joint pain or we can choose to try something different like yoga or Alexander Technique or taking a walk. We can treat all food as equal fuel or choose to pay attention to what we are fueling our bodies with. We can ignore the messages that say slow down (whether it’s for just that moment or week or a change in general physical life speed) or we can listen and adjust. There’s a lot of give and take that we can participate in with our bodies when our culture predominantly preaches two main things that really don’t allow us to fully live in these bodies in this human experience: no pain, no gain; and, aging is both inevitable and bad/awful. These messages keep us separated from our bodies and focus on control. We wouldn’t be here having this human experience if we didn’t have these bodies. Really. Just as your mind is an aspect of you and not the whole you, so is your physical body as aspect of you and not the whole you. As to the control facet, that’s yet another piece of fear or being in a state of only knowing separation from source. There are no magic answers except, of course, for the answers that are magic for you…and you are more likely to find answers when you are actively looking and listening and open to them.

If you have companion animals, they are great teachers about living in and through the physical body. It’s not that they do it better, they just do it somewhat differently. And paying attention to their hows can provide you with new perspectives for your own experiences in a physical body. There are critters who are always totally aware of their physical bodies and there are those who aren’t always aware that they have a physical body. Interestingly enough, I find plenty of companion animals who are not fully grounded into their physical bodies and the physical plane. Again, it’s not about better, it’s about different perspectives and how opening to a variety of perspectives can shift your own experiences. If you’ve got critters, pay attention and see what they have to share with you.


I'm loving what I’m hearing from you about your experiences with this new mantra. If you haven't tried it, give it a whirl today: I am different, thus any and everything can be different. It’s potent.

Gift Certificates

Do you know someone who has everything; or someone who is interested in different experiences? Know a family who has lost or gained a companion animal? Maybe you know someone craving a new perspective. I offer gift certificates! Please email for details.

As always I am here to assist you in clearing the way to new perspectives whether for just you or you and your companion animals. Please email or call 434-249-9786 for a session. Thanks for keeping me in mind and sharing my work with those you think might resonate with it!


November 28, Tuesday 4-6 I am offering free 15 minute sessions at The Elderberry. I will guide you through a brief meditation bringing your awareness to this heart to heart connection with your pets. If you want a taste of my work or know someone who might be interested, please come. To clarify this event is just for people…you’ll be able to check in with your pets once you get home to see what their response is.
