~Gratitudes, Like Platitudes but Better and a New Mantra~

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This week is Thanksgiving. While my gratitude practice is a daily one, I like to share gratitudes with others along the way. Here are a few.           

  • I am grateful for electricity.
  • I am grateful for comfy socks.
  • I am grateful for Lilly’s joy and exuberance.
  • I am grateful for feeling hope.
  • I am grateful for you reading this blog.
  • I am grateful for those of you who are referring your friends and neighbors to me.
  • I am grateful for expansion.
  • I am grateful for knowing, not knowing, and unknowing.

 I’ve had an uptick in folks looking to improve the level of communication with their companion animals and I continue to be amazed at just how much can happen during and from a 30 minute session. Referrals continue to be the best way for new clients to find me. Thank you for sending people my way!

New Mantra

A couple of weeks ago a new mantra showed up for me and I am finding it so true and helpful on all levels of my being that I want to share it with you: I am different, thus any and everything can be different. You read or say it and it seems so straightforward. Then you keep saying it and you notice the waves of shifting that are happening in all aspects of self. I’d love to hear your experiences with this one, so please let me know! It’s potent.


November 28, Tuesday 4-6

I am offering free 15 minute sessions at The Elderberry. I will guide you through a brief meditation bringing your awareness to this heart to heart connection with your pets. If you want a taste of my work or know someone who might be interested, please come. To clarify this event is just for people…you’ll be able to check in with your pets once you get home to see what their response is.
