~Blink, It’s Mid-November: Time Isn’t Slowing Down~How to Be You at this High Speed of Life~


Wait, what? It’s November 14?! I feel like this is a repeat of the last newsletter: everything is moving so quickly. Lately, I’ve been paying attention to the timing of and what I am doing when I feel most relaxed and fully me. When I am outside, especially walking the earth, I feel totally me. But, even from inside a building when I look out the window and can let my eyes glide along the lines of a tree or across a field, there’s an easing inside of me and I feel more like me. When Lilly puts her head under my hand and I connect fully with her, I am me. When I sing along to a song with words and music that resonate with me, I feel relaxed into my whole being. These are just a few of the moments when I am aware of being fully me. And when I am feeling so me, I am feeling completely connected and a part of source. What do you do to feel fully you? I’d love to know.

There’s so much going on in the world from the global scale to the personal scale. (Yes this is another repeated line.) How do we maintain a sense of an expanded self when we feel bombarded from all angles?  Maintaining that sense of self allows us to show up more fully in difficult situations or when things go awry. A major part of this human existence is this exploration into self and other or from another perspective remembering self as source even as we embrace this experience of separation as individuals. So much of this human experience seems to be diving into that space between dualities: self and other; separate yet of source; mental and physical (and emotional). And these dualities are often even contradictory experiences. Rich stuff, this life!

So, how do we maintain that sense of expanded self? It’s the little practices that shift things on the foundation level that go a long way to creating big and lasting change. Instead of thinking there’s not much time in a day, how could you possibly fit in self-care…choose an amount of time, even if it’s only 5 minutes, and dedicate yourself to some form of self care 5 minutes a day. It might not happen every day, don’t beat yourself up. (Remember we are perfect in our imperfections!) But, by setting the intention you’re already creating a shift. After deciding on your time frame, make a list of a several self-care or self-exploration practices that you want to try out. Here are a few ideas, and keep in mind you can get as fancy or detailed as you want.

  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Take a mindful walk (around your yard, across the parking lot, etc.).
  • Snuggle with your companion animal and notice the edges, the separateness and the merging, notice the breathing of both of you.
  • List 3 things you’re grateful for.
  • Do 1 or 2 yoga postures.
  • Put on your favorite song and dance or sing.
  • Find a lovely view (trees, sky, mountains, edge of the woods and field) and let your eyes wander over it.

Repeat the ones that feel good. And pay attention to how your days and weeks change from this focused self-care and self-exploration. If you’re feeling out of sorts and you remember to shift to one of your practices, notice how that makes feel. What has changed? And for added incentive, make this a family affair. Talk to your partner and kids about what you’re doing and what they’re doing and what helps and what doesn’t. We can always learn more about self-care and self-exploration and sharing experiences is a great way to do so.

In the last week or so, I have been on a deep dive exploring myself and my superpowers. While I know perspective is one of them, the other is slower to emerge with clarity. So far, I know it has to do with connecting to the natural world. What are your superpowers?

As always I am here to assist you in clearing the way to new perspectives whether for just you or you and your companion animals. Please email or call 434-249-9786 for a session.

Referrals continue to be the best way for new clients to find me. Thank you for telling others about me and my work and even sharing this newsletter with those you think will be interested. My work is moot without you my co-workers.


November 28, Tuesday 4-6

I am offering free 15 minute sessions at The Elderberry. I will guide you through a brief meditation bringing your awareness to this heart to heart connection with your pets. If you want a taste of my work or know someone who might be interested, please come. To clarify this event is just for people…you’ll be able to check in with your pets once you get home to see what their response is.
