There has been so much happening in the last several weeks from white supremacy in full visible force going so far as to commit an act of terrorism here in Charlottesville to the continued examples of how the old structures of government have been unable to flex and grow over the years and are now obsolete and thus have no way to deal with the massive unraveling we are witnessing from the top down. From Harvey’s huge destruction in the United States to the floods in South Asia affecting some 40 million. It’s hard to find time to breathe. And in the midst of this was the Great American Eclipse. I am not normally physically affected by weather or astrological shifts, but I was physically agitated from midday Sunday through Tuesday morning after the eclipse. I felt like I was vibrating at a weird frequency from the skin all the way in. The echoes of the eclipse transformations are still rippling through me and will probably continue that way through the equinox.
How am I dealing with this intensity? I am focusing on my daily practices that keep me centered, aligned, and aware of my connection to source. My morning walks, gratitude emails, and ongoing conversations with my guides and allies are the strands of web I strengthen every day helping me to stay aware of myself in the center of this web of light.
How are you dealing with this intensity? Are you struggling? Are you taking time for self care? As beings of light, we are all affected (whether we notice or not) by rapid change in the amount of daylight. August has the biggest daily decreases in daylight and that has definitely made an impact on how we have navigated these intense energies.
Here’s a short exercise to help you maintain your connection to light. Take a few minutes to stand or sit outside in the light. Close your eyes, feel your feet connected to the earth. Feel the light touch your skin and invite that light into you. Allow the cells of your skin and hair to absorb the light. Feel the light continue into your body until your whole body is full of light. Take a moment to really notice how you feel all full of light. As you’re ready, open your eyes and step forward, shining your light as you go. The world needs you, so let yourself shine brightly.
I don’t know about you, but one of the reasons I am here in this human existence is to experience growth. Growth, whether outward or inward, macrocosmic or microcosmic, draws you into the All, brings you into the merging. The current events with racists so visible and vocal are a really big point of change or opportunity for growth for everyone. We all either benefit or are harmed by racism. No one of is unaffected. I am taking the events of August 12 in Charlottesville as a marker to stand up in a new way for people of color. I am being vocal at times I previously wouldn’t have spoken. I am engaging in dialogue to educate other whites and bring examples of white privilege to their attention. These conversations are not easy and so far they are stark examples of how poorly people are able to hear words other than those they are expecting and used to. Am I an expert? Hell no. But if we all wait until we’re experts, nothing will ever change. What I am is someone willing to hear and see other perspectives and take those into consideration. What I am is an explorer of self, of others, and of where we all merge as one. I invite you to join me in hearing what is being said. It is time to change and we are the agents of that change. Together we will create a new world.
As always I am here to support you in your explorations. This is a time of great reception and I am finding myself holding space and supporting as clients receive large energy transmissions. So, if you’re feeling like something is missing or perhaps you are ready in a new way to open to the possibilities that are in front of you in every moment, please email me or call me 434-249-9786 to set up a session. Thank you for referring others to me and my work. Thank you for even forwarding this email to someone who might be interested. My work is moot without you my co-workers.