~Contracting and Expanding~Changing Rhythms~

soft sky over yellow mtn

Recently I have had a few sessions with companion animals where the difference in their energetic size from the start to the end of the session has been dramatic. In one session with a cat, Lulu, at the end even as I took my hands away I could feel her still expanding. She wasn’t “done” even though our time working together was. In another session with a dog, Reaper, even though it was our first time working together, he was already expanding as I connected with him before I even introduced myself. We all contract, expand, and stagnate. Being aware of our current state of being can be really helpful in navigating both upheaval and calm. Knowing what each state feels like for you and knowing how to move from state to state is key in being the whole you at any given moment. This shift from contraction, or stagnation, to expansion can happen from a tiny nudge or may need a more prolonged interaction. Patterns are created from repetition and sometimes we aren’t even aware of the repetition until the pattern itself is pulling us along and we suddenly realize that we haven’t “seen” something different in a while. If we think of ourselves as musical instruments, we need to keep tuning ourselves all day long. As we are playing the symphony of our lives, we need to tune, re-tune, and re-tune some more. In addition to tuning, we can adjust the way we are relating to the world around us by changing rhythms and tempos. Here are a couple of exercises to play with as you explore contraction, stagnation, and expansion.

Exercise 1:

At some point when you are walking in a big space, inside or outside, change things up and jog a few steps or skip or slow down so your body is moving in slow motion. Change the speed and actual movements of your body. Notice what this feels like. What changes: physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically? Try this exercise at least once a day for several days and take note of how this changes the rhythms of your hour, day, week.

Exercise 2:

Get some tunes ready. Choose some slow and some fast. Turn them on and dance. Notice what feels good and what doesn’t. Check in with how you feel after you dance. How do the different tempos make you feel? Pay attention to the rhythms of your day and which tempos feel better at which times. Does it feel good to get amped up before you go to bed? Maybe it does, because it lets you crash out differently. There are no right or wrong ways to do this. Explore and find what works for you.

As always I am here to support you and your companion animals in your explorations. As we are moving toward the autumnal equinox and that amazing balance point, it’s a wonderful time to draw on these energies of balance. So, if you’re feeling like you could use some balance in some area of your life or aspect of yourself, please contact me here or call me 434-249-9786 to set up a session. Thank you for referring others to me and my work. Thank you for forwarding this email to someone who might be interested. My work is moot without you my co-workers.
