My Multispecies Family Part II

Because for some reason in this life of mine companion animals find me before I necessarily even know I am looking for one, Lilly, dog, appeared a week after I said good-bye to Dixie, and moved in less than a week after that. Lilly and I are well connected at this point, and from the beginning it has been clear to me that she is here to raise my frequency. Lilly’s world view is still growing by leaps and bounds since joining us. But at base I’d say she’s full of joy that she’s got her own human, and she’s still a little confused as to why there’s a cat. (We’re working on the occasional jealousy she shows when I’m doing something with Laurens.) I’m extremely grateful that Laurens is a large cat in a domesticated cat’s body because he doesn’t put up with Lilly if she’s being pushy, and she does respect him when he tells her off. (His dagger clawed swipes are well placed and his hisses mean business.) So these days Laurens still knows I am his loving mama, but that other end of the triangle is someone who needs to be taught how to love a cat. So he rubs up against her every few days or so and she continues to be baffled by this. These days work on the balance of our triangle is an every single day practice. We might have started in different places, but we are all growing together. Please share below where you multispecies family is in its growth cycle.