Monarch enjoying the zinnias and african blue sage.
I met up with a friend over the weekend to catch up. (I’m sure you’ll be shocked that we walked while we talked.) This particular friend lived through the woods from me during late elementary and middle school years. As is often the case with those of us who live in the same place that we grew up, we don’t stay in close touch with many of our friends from younger years, even when they, too, live in the same place. We had an immediate deep dive right into real conversations on life, something that happens with ease with those around whom I feel comfortable being myself. This interaction and the conversations, too, have me thinking about knowing self. While the me I was 30 years ago listening to Prince’s "Purple Rain" on the turn table in the rec room at my friend’s house is not the same me I am today writing this, the core of me is still the same. Is that similar to your sense of self? What’s your experience? I’d love to hear from you and you can always contact me HERE.
There are definitely times when I am aware of big shifts taking place within me, and other times when I know that I’m not the same as the day before, but the differences feel miniscule. This summer has been full of transformations and as I settle into this new season, I am (slightly) more comfortable navigating through life as this new me. The lifelines allowing me to find and create stability and balance over the summer during all the change were many and varied. My daily practices (morning walk, gratitude email) were my constant fuel. But other lifelines were: making sure I had quality time with specific friends (for me that was mostly one on one so I didn’t get overwhelmed); making sure to keep creativity near by listening to new music, pulling out the markers and watercolors for doodling; allowing myself plenty of down time to wander the trails with Lilly, scan the skies for birds, sink into good stories. Balance, as I’ve said before, is not an end point, it is a verb and is always in play. As we are always changing, we are seeking a balance whether that is a balance between being and doing, socializing and alone time, mental focused and heart centered, giving and receiving…you get the picture. While I don’t have a specific list for each of you, here are few things to keep in mind as ways to find and create stability and balance when you are in the midst of deep change.
- Physical motion: walk, dance, hatha yoga, run, hoola hoop, etc.
- Creativity, both making and soaking in others’: music, photography, drawing, painting, knitting, cooking, sewing, woodworking, gardening, etc.
- Human connection: quality is important here.
- Nature connection: focusing on how you are a part of your surroundings, the innate beauty of Gaia, this magnificent organism.
Explore what feeds you and what doesn’t, what resonates and what doesn’t. Keep a list of what you try that feels good and right. And bring this list out when you’re feeling overwhelmed or out of sync or like a chrysalis all wrapped up with massive transformation happening deep inside. Remember that as you change your list may also change. Growth is often cyclical or in a spiral, so breathe in, breathe out: you are always new and you are always you.
Nature Note:
Creatures are on the move: migrating, out on their own for the first time, foraging farther for food in the dry conditions. Keep an eye out for birds, insects, rodents and larger mammals. Lately our morning walks are full. We see bats, lots of fox scat (no sightings recently), pack of 9 stunning red coywolves, skunks, deer, eagles, kestrels, flocks of: geese, ducks, meadowlarks, red-winged blackbirds, cedar waxwings. And we took a trail walk last week and saw a bear. Lilly’s behavior along with a recently partially excavated ground wasp nest right off the trail meant I was on the lookout for a bear. Lilly gave one alert bark when we came upon the immature bear and in a flash the bear was off away. Who are you seeing? Stay safe and look to your fellow animals for reminders that we are all part of this magnificent life and for new perspectives on your own life.
As always I am here to support you and your companion animals in your explorations. As we are shift into the shorter days now that autumn has arrived it’s helpful to get that extra support before you’re stuck somewhere you can’t navigate from at all. If you’re wanting some help finding new perspectives in some area of your life or aspect of yourself (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or energetic), please contact me HERE or call me 434-249-9786 to set up a session. Thank you for referring others to me and my work. Thank you for forwarding this email to someone who might be interested. My work is moot without you my co-workers.
October 10 5:30-6:30pm $10 at The Elderberry Sign up HERE Energy Structures: How you can help your pets be healthier and happier. Come learn about chakras, meridians, elements, and heart to heart beams for you and your companion animals.
October 24 4-6pm I am offering free 15 minute sessions at The Elderberry. I will guide you through a brief meditation bringing your awareness to this heart to heart connection with your pets. If you want a taste of my work or know someone who might be interested, please come. To clarify this event is just for people…you’ll be able to check in with your pets once you get home to see what their response is.