~Welcome, Autumn~How to Deal with the Decrease in Daily Light~

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Autumn has arrived. It is still rather warm, but the day before the equinox the leaves on the maples around our house suddenly started falling. What is this season for you? I don’t mean the trendy pumpkin spice stuff. I mean, what are your rhythms for this season? Whether due to the lack of light when you aren’t at work or the desire to cozy in and craft or read in those darker mornings or evenings, is there a change in your outdoors time? I suggest finding even 2 minutes to be outside if your time outside is decreasing. Maybe that means heading out 2 minutes before you normally would to hop in the car and head to work. Take that time to walk the yard or driveway, or maybe sit or stand still. Whether you choose to move or be still, just soak it all in. Eyes open, softly scanning your surroundings or zooming in on something specific. Eyes closed, feeling the quality of the light on your eyelids. There are so many options in 2 minutes. Think of it as a refueling of your light levels for the day.


October 3 5:30-6:30pm $10 at The Elderberry

Sign up Here

Physical Structures: How you can help your pets be healthier and happier

Come learn how massage, diet, herbs, flower essences, and homeopathy can help you and your companion animals.


October 10 5:30-6:30pm $10 at The Elderberry

Sign up Here

Energy Structures: How you can help your pets be healthier and happier

Come learn about chakras, meridians, elements, and heart to heart beams for you and your companion animals.

As always I am here to support you and your companion animals in your explorations. As we are shift into the shorter days now that autumn has arrived it’s helpful to get that extra support before you’re stuck somewhere you can’t navigate from at all. If you’re wanting some help finding new perspectives in some area of your life or aspect of yourself (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or energetic), please contact me or call 434-249-9786 to set up a session. Thank you for referring others to me and my work. Thank you for forwarding this email to someone who might be interested. My work is moot without you my co-workers.