~A Time of Blossoming: News, Visibility, and Light~

The summer solstice is almost here and there is new life everywhere: fox kits romping at their den, eaglet stretching wings on the nest, tadpoles growing their legs, bees busy on the milkweed as it blooms. Perhaps because I was born near the winter solstice, perhaps because of my deep knowing that I am a part of this magnificent planet, I find the summer solstice to be a time of blossoming on all levels. There is growth and motion inside of me that is expanding out to manifest in the physical world. And I am allowing the growth and motion of the world around me to seep into me, both changing and sustaining me. Part of this blossoming is a connecting more completely with the light that I am, the light that we all are. With days that stretch long, filled with light, I welcome that added support. With this deepening remembrance of my light being, comes an old resistance to being seen. Last Friday’s full moon gave me an extra boost to release more of that old resistance, and let my light shine unheeded by my previously created (some from other lifetimes) shields and buffers. As is the way when in flow with source, an opportunity for wider visibility appeared this spring, and I am excited to announce that I am featured in the psychic profile in the June issue of Awareness Magazine (page 50 if you go looking).  

I have been feeling a little push and pull around a solstice celebration and am not sure what form it may take. If you are interested in one, I would love to hear if you’d rather have one in person or by phone or maybe even a Facebook Live. As the solstice is officially on the 21st at 12:24 am EDT, the celebration could be either the 20th or 21st. Please email (elizabeth@elizabethbain.net) me with your preferences and we’ll see what grows out of this.

Walking this earth that I am part of (especially as every morning, I am out as the light expands filling in the colors and filling me) is a sacred act. Should you want to experience this sacred space of walking what you are part of, please email me for details. I am always honored to support you in finding a heart-centered perspective in a phone session, if that’s what you’re looking for. Just let me know how I can help.

Each moment you spend outside in this light, breathe, and allow the light to fill you, and bring your awareness to the light you are.  


