Since Lilly arrived a little more than a year ago, we have been on many swimming outings. She loves to swim for her squeaky ball, and is far easier on her body in the water than she is scrambling madly on the earth. Most of her swims are at public lakes which means there are usually other people around. She draws attention with her exuberance, powerful launching, and serious focus. And she has a following; people of all ages and sorts are fascinated by her. Just this weekend we were out for her swim and a couple strolling around the lake came to a halt to watch her. When we did a few practice launches from the dock, the man sat down, pulled out his phone and videoed her launches, smiling the whole time. The couple sat and watched her swim for at least 10 or 15 minutes and thanked me when they left. Just like when people tell me she’s beautiful and I reply, “Lilly says thank you,” when people thank me for getting to watch her swim, I say, “Lilly is glad you’ve enjoyed it.” She was just over 2 years old when she came to me and there was never any question of changing her name, but I did discover in the last month that there is more to her name. She is Lilly, Bringer of Joy.
This past year with Lilly has been one of deep level growth for both of us. Since late winter, I have had continued messages that June would be a pivotal month for me, personally, and for my business. No details, just a knowing that there is a new unfolding occurring. Last Monday, not even June yet, things started shifting in the physical plane, and this past week has given me a peek into what this month will be like: exciting with a new flow, clarity, and light. I am still grounded in this being, this time, this planet, but my tectonic plates have shifted, especially with the transformation experiences in May. I continue to feel as though my ability to connect with other humans, previously something that was far harder than connecting with other species, is opening wide. Thanks to Lilly, Bringer of Joy, I am more aware of my connections with all beings. My years of gratitude practice and this year with Lilly are the foundation for this new more solid experience of the double helix flow of gratitude and joy, an experience of being one with source that Naisha Ahsian describes in her Crystal Ally Cards.
With the solstice coming up this month, we’re in the stretch of the longest days of the year. The colors of the world are rich and layered. The plants and animals are full of life. There is always powerful energy to connect with on this planet. Remember to connect to source, Gaia, the stars, breathe, and be you.
Lilly and I invite you to expand into yourself, your already whole light self, and experience the joy and gratitude flow of life. As always, I am here to support you. Please email to schedule a session. If you want to try something different, I have limited availability for walking sessions. These can be especially helpful if you seek a new perspective and/or feel as though you whole body could benefit from a sacred earth connection. Also if you’re on instagram, you can now find me at intuitive_energy_guide.