~Expectations, Shmexpectations: Growth and Transformation~

Rockfish Gap Sunset

~Remember to Be Kind to Yourself~

Just this week I’ve watched three fox kits alternately romping and resting by their den, and I’ve seen the eaglet, almost a fledgling now, flapping her/his wings about, preening, and moving around the nest. At the same time, the blue birds are about to start on their second brood of the season and it’s time to start planting some of the annuals as we near the end of our frost date range. Growth happens at different times and different speeds across all aspects of life. And we tend to have old, inner voices that leap into action and set random expectations, criticize, and judge which can make growth horribly uncomfortable and flat out despairing. Expectations are often the blinders that shape our view. In the last week I’ve had two specific incidents where I was aware of expectations or assumptions limiting the view. I was at a Kris Kristofferson concert and as I sat down, the woman next to me said hello. And I replied. She then said, “Do you even know who Kris Kristofferson is?” I was rather startled but, calmly responded that I do know who he is. She continued to speak coming from what seemed to be a view that only people just like her would have any desire to be at this show. I maintained a lightness and kindness in my response but may have slightly shaken up her perspective. And the other day when I took Lilly swimming, I made assumptions about a person at the park. I was aware of my assumptions but got a push from our interaction to drop those assumptions. She spoke to me as I was putting Lilly back in the car, and we had a lovely conversation where she told me, “I just loved watching her swim to get that ball!” Thanks to Lilly, I got the clear message that these expectations our minds like to create limit our experience of the fullness of life. I have been reminded numerous times and in numerous ways, lately, that kindness to self or others can be a balm to many a situation. And being kind to ourselves regarding our own growth on any level is so helpful. By being kind to ourselves as we’re busy here, being human, perfect in our imperfections, we are nurturing ourselves and supporting that growth.

I am aware of lots of transformation going on right now for people, transformation in all areas and levels of our lives and beings. I’m hearing from clients, friends, and even random human interactions just how much is changing now. Shifting into that heart centered perspective of love and connection with Source, supports and allows continued transformation. So, breathe, settle into your heart space, and be the light you are! Know that I am here when you need support and a space for really reaching into your core, your heart center. Please email me to schedule a session.

Know you are light, and shine!
