A cow friend came over to see what Lilly was doing (rolling on her back in the grass) as I was taking sunset pictures last week.
Near the fall equinox and full moon that was the following day, I found myself knowing that the harvest this year was about looking back at more than the previous nine months. This year it’s a much longer time frame from which we’re harvesting. When I read The Power Path’s monthly forecast for October, I was not surprised to see the theme “Taking Inventory.” What is part of a harvest but taking inventory, right? Heading into the final third of the month what strikes me is that the longer time frame is longer than I’d previously realized, it’s karmic.
This is a time not only for deep exploration of who you are and of the life you have created, but a time to access the co-creative power you have with source across all your lives. You are taking stock of the patterns that are part of you right now whether from this life or past lives or even future lives. You have access to a bigger picture of your existence and with that picture, you can see where you have ties or knots or weavings that no longer serve you. What seems to be coming next, and feels to me like it will be the main energy of November, is the releasing: the active severing of those ties, knots, and weavings so that you can set those energies free and set yourself free to be the you that is ready to shine more brightly in this life time. It feels like this month’s deep exploration is looking through the caverns of all our lives across time (so, karmic), and that by exposing these pieces to the light of true self in connection with source, you are going to set them on fire in praise and gratitude and like a phoenix, rise anew from the ash at your core.
Until we get to that next step, get outside and walk. As the amount of daily light decreases, you are getting less light, so make sure to get out there and soak it up. One energy this month that feels prevalent is despair. My depression is despair, so it is very easy and common for me to slide right into it. What do I do when I’m in despair? I go outside and walk. When do I feel most like my true self? When I am outside walking. If you’re feeling despair or tired or anything that’s not what you want to feel, give it a try.
If you’re looking for some nature connection in the physical realm, we can arrange a walk’n’talk, contact me for a session.
If you’re looking for some nature connection across the tiny screen in front of you, follow me on Instagram @intuitive_energy_guide and you’ll get views and positive words all in one spot.
Be sure to find Doggedly Whole on Facebook and Instagram, too. Shared moments of joy with your 4-legged(s) are so healing!
As always, I love to hear your thoughts and current reality! Thank you for your continued support and referrals.