The Wisdom of the Planet and Seasonal Self-Care

energy healing, nature, intuition

Lately, I have been noticing some clarification in my purpose. It’s two fold, but interconnected: I am an advocate for the beings without a voice (species other than humans); I am a guide for humans in remembering we are part of the whole. A key part of this purpose is showing how much wisdom this planet has that we can learn from. And if you don’t actually look and smell and feel the world around you that you are a part of, you’ll miss out on all that wisdom. Just last week, I was noticing we had days of clouds in beautiful repeating patterns. I marvel at the echoes or reflections or foundations these patterns create as they cross elements, kingdoms, and more: clouds, cells, parched earth, minerals left as water dries on stone. What do you notice?

We’re heading into the end of the year where there’s often lots of extra life happening. This can also be an emotional time of year for people. On top of that, in this part of the world, the days are still getting shorter and it can feel or be harder to find light. One of the best ways to help yourself move through this season with a little more ease is to make relaxation a goal for at least once a week. Depending on your stress load, you might want more than once a week. I know, I know, if you’re busy, how do you find time to relax?! Even just 5 or 10 minutes goes a long way to helping your whole being, but ideally you’ll dedicate 30 minutes or more. Yes, you can get an energy session with me for relaxation (guided meditation or just silent work from me), or Zero Balancing session, or acupuncture. But you can also take an Epsom salt bath with lavender essential oil and some soothing music. You can lie outside on a blanket and stare at the stars or soak up whatever light there might be. There are loads of other ways to relax, I’m just getting you started, but I do suggest you stay away from screens and even books as forms of relaxation and stick to time with yourself. I highly recommend putting this on your calendar each week so you do it.

  • If you’re looking for some nature connection in the physical realm, we can arrange a walk’n’talk and get you noticing your surroundings in new ways, email for a session.

  • If you’re looking for some deep relaxation (and clearing), email for a session.

  • If you’re looking for some nature connection across the tiny screen in front of you, follow me on Instagram: intuitive_energy_guide and you’ll get views and positive words all in one spot.

  • Dog tricks are an exciting and fun part of my world at the moment with teaching classes and working with Lilly. Be sure to find Doggedly Whole on fb and ig, too. Shared moments of joy with your 4-legged(s) are so healing!

As always I love to hear your thoughts and current reality! Thank you for your continued support and referrals.

