So many thoughts swirl in me and my mind feels like a whirlwind when I think of writing something, but today I’ve managed to organize my thoughts a small bit. Time is something that I am fascinated with and by, and the past 9 months of living through this pandemic have really allowed me explore my relationship with time on a different level. What? A relationship with time? I know, it’s not a particularly common perspective. As my main experiential sense of life is spatial, it’s been helpful to realize that part of the pressure I feel as overwhelm is actually coming from my experience of time. Maps have always felt really comfortable for me and in recent years when I started mapping out my weeks and days, I felt better able to navigate time. My maps are a way for me to spatially orient myself, and my actions, in time. My maps aren’t new, but they’ve had a major impact on my ability to navigate the warped feeling time has during this pandemic: where at the same time things feel soo slow and lightning fast.
Much of life seems to be about figuring out myself on a deeper level and better using my strengths to meet my challenges as I expand more fully into my whole self. Knowing myself more deeply allows me to better explore my part of the whole and navigate that back and forth between experiencing myself as part of the whole and experiencing myself as the whole.
While there is obviously so much going on on so many fronts (scientific, medical, political, cultural, and more), this little snippet is what’s come out today. Stay safe, stay informed, stay well.